In the ancient times, olive oil was a valuable product as it was hard to produce. It was believed that olive tree and olive oil is a divine product and olive oil was used as offerings in the temples.

The oil produced with the ancient methods was initially used in medicine. The olive oil was applied on the skin to heal the wounds and the refreshing and revitalising effect of olive oil is recognized. Olive oil has the healing power and was stored in small bottles.

As the Mediterranean dietary has become popular in the West, olive oil has become an indispensable part of the healthy and high-quality life.

Many researches show that olive oil regulates the cholesterol level in blood, and prevents cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, and digestive system diseases. Olive oil has numerous vitamins and Vitamin E has an anti-aging property.

Olive tree is also known as a immortal tree and it is believed that the fruit of this tree is the source of youth and beauty.

Many factors to increase the quality of olive oil is known since Roman period. The quality of the olive oil starts in harvest. It is therefore criticized in many respects that the trees are beaten with poles since they cause rotting or left to mature on the branch to reduce the cost of collection.

The best oil is obtained from the most bitter olive. If the olive is harmed they should be separated and the collected olive should be squeezed.

The properties of the olive oil which is the only natural vegetable oil in the nature are linked to type of olive, climate, land conditions, nutrients of the tree if there is not agricultural intervention, processing the olive according to the conditions of the season. Determining the sensory properties of olive requires experts.

Polyphenols, as antioxidants, have the ability to clear free radicals formed by various causes in the human body. It removes various reactive oxygen species from the cells and keeps the metabolism in good condition. It reduces the risk of cancer risk and cardiovascular diseases and delays Alzheimer’s disease.

The olive has Vitamin A (retinol), which is important for vision function, Vitamins E (tocopherol) which increases fertility, slows down aging, and rejuvenate cells, Vitamin K which is beneficial for blood coagulation, and Vitamin D (cholecalsipherol) which prevents rachitism. By acting against the factors that play a role in the aggregation of blood cells, it decreases the blood clotting risk in the blood vessels. It regulates the digestive system and helps to decrease toxic substances in the body.  It has been determined that olive protects against gastritis and gastroduodenal ulcers by reducing gastric acidity. It is reported that the fruit increase bone and tooth development in children and decrease osteoporosis in the elderly.